1.  The principal object of the society will be to promote the interests of all its members to attain their social and economic betterment through self-help and mutual aid in accordance with the cooperative principles.


2.      Research & development on Medicinal and aromatic plants.


3.      Cultivation & processing of medicinal and aromatic and related plants.


4.      Promotion of agricultural and allied activities for welfare of farmers.


5.      Awareness in the field of agriculture specially wrt medicinal & aromatic plants.


6.      Welfare of children & women in the field of education, agriculture & social upliftment.


7.      Poverty alleviation.


8.      Disbursement of financial grants to weaker section of the society.


9.      Demand of the government & private financial grants & further disbursement for welfare & social upliftment.


10.   To work in association of state government & NGOs for improvement in health indicators in the state.


11.   Contribution towards Environment through tree plantation drives, awareness campaigns etc